Friday, April 13, 2012


Delphi and I played at some steps of passage today in our lesson with Karen Brown. The Pumpkin is able to maintain about six to eight good steps in self carriage and on the bit. Today Karen said Delphi's hind cannon bones were parallel to the ground! How snappy!

We started the lesson schooling flying changes: in order for Delphi to jump through the change I must develop an impulsive collected canter by using more leg reinforced by whip taps as needed to create enough jump and impulsion. We schooled a couple good changes in each direction.

(We started all the "big" stuff: passage and piaffe, etceteras previously in the long lines so by the time we ask for it under saddle the horse has a glimmer of an idea of what we want.)

Unfortunately there was no camera rolling during today's lesson, but here are some stills of Delphi's first few passage steps in February 2012 (with me- Karen has schooled some steps previously) under saddle:

Karen schooling passage steps earlier 2011: