Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Agility 1 Week 12

Jackie and I played our first mini-course with numbers today! We succesfully debuted "Round round round!" as a verbal cue (versus "Check check check! which sounds too much like our nickname "Jack Jack!") for collecting and turning tightly around a barrel. 


  • Be sure to send Jackie well out and around a barrel; she follows where my feet, body, and hand point
  • When sending over a jump it is more obvious to the dog where to go so the handler can allow more distance with a jump than while teaching a barrel
  • At the startline, when I say "Break!" I move forward; having confidence in Jackie in turn gives her confidence to know what I want her to do
  • Having a coach whose system has each dogs' well being, safety, and enjoyment at the heart of everything is a priceless asset
  • Being in the company of peers who are learning to be excellent handlers with their teams is inspiring and motivating