Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Jackie had a milestone day in her Foundations for Agility week 6 class today: her first introduction to the tunnel! She did a great job figuring out this novel obstacle, and after a few tries she was seeking the tunnel and going in on her own "Go Tunnel!" 

Jackie is also progressing well with two-on-two-off, where she keeps her hind paws on a raised plank as she walks across the plank "Go Walk!" and lands with her back paws still on the plank and her front paws on the floor "Feet!" For now we are using a nose target (a small plate) to keep her focus forward and on the obstacle in order to keep it safe for her as she stays balanced on the plank, which will eventually become the elevated dog walk.

Today was our sixth and final class of Foundation for Agility 1.  The next progression in the Cowtown Dog Sports agility program taught by our coach Robin Barber is Foundation for Agility 2, in which we have enrolled. 

These last six weeks I have learned so much, yes about the sport of agility but more importantly about myself and my dog.  Jackie has not necessarily followed the written Border collie text, but she has taught me so much about being patient and the value, the true value, of a solid and deep relationship.  Jackie has bloomed these last six weeks, and while we still need time for our bond to continue to deepen, I am so grateful for all we've learned this far.

Gunner running and Jackie in the classic play bow.  Jackie has done so much in these last six weeks, and I'm very proud of her!

  • Graduation day from Foundations for Agility 1
  • Tunnel was introduced with much success!
  • Jackie has experienced so many milestones in the short time she's been in our family, and I'm very proud of her and so grateful for the growth in our relationship
  • Homework includes continuing reinforcing two-on-two-off for contacts, continuing reinforcing start line, and continuing reinforcing forward drive to a target
  • Onward to Foundations for Agility 2, which starts this coming week