Friday, June 23, 2023

Teaching How to Love Nail Trims


  • Get the best quality grooming equipment possible. I have three pieces of grooming hardware that are all excellent quality: a classic slicker brush, a Chris Christensen oval brush, and a pair of guillotine nail clippers.
  • Always start grooming sessions with a relaxed dog. Go for a brisk walk or run, or have a fun play session before teaching grooming skills. 
  • First simply place Jackie on the grooming surface, give her a treat, then let her go on about her day. Do this for as many days of extremely short- a second or two at most- sessions per day until she is comfortable with the grooming surface.
  • Repeat treating her each time while I touch her paw with my hand only (no trimmers yet) for less than a second. Give the treat while holding her paw. Build up as many repetitions until she is comfortable having her paw touched.
  • The same way, gradually build up to touching her nails.
  • Introduce the nail trimmers by showing Jackie the trimmers while giving her a treat. Then let her go on about her day. Repeat micro-sessions of showing the trimmers and giving a treat until she is fine with seeing the nail trimmer.
  • Touch the trimmers to Jackie's paw for less than a second while at the same time giving her a treat.
  • Gradually build up to Jackie allowing the nail trimmers to touch her paw while making the clipping sound.
  • Eventually make the most gradual clip of her actual nail, then give a jackpot of treats at the same time and be done for the day.
  • Gradually build up to clipping all Jackie's nails, being sure to keep a high frequency of reward while teaching. Eventually she loves having her nails trimmed and immediately gets into grooming position when I put her on the grooming table, eager to be groomed and have her nails trimmed.

Get the best quality equipment you possibly can. I've had this slicker brush and guillotine nail trimmers over 30 years!

How I teach Jackie to love having her nails trimmed:

Jackie Loves Watermelon

Video here: