Gunner and I played the AKC Rally virtual novice course 2 with 12 signs. Highlights included prompt fronts and finishes, as well as enthusiasm on Gunner's part.
- Homework will include reinforcing four-on-the-floor sit-stays, where Gunner keeps all four feet firmly planted as I walk around him while he is in sit-stay
- I need to continue to reinforce brisk heel position, to ensure that Gunner's shoulder stays parallel to my pant seam while heeling forward at a brisk pace
- In the sign "Call front, finish right, forward" as the dog comes around to finish right be sure to walk forward away from the dog so that he has to catch up with you in heel position, don't wait for the dog to return to heel position, rather go ahead and walk forward and have the dog catch up to you
- When heeling in a circle, be sure to actually describe a circle with your footwork rather than just rotating around an axis, actually describe a small circle