Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Agility 2 Week 9

 Jackie and I played two mini courses today: touch and go with hoops, and jumpers with a tunnel.


  • Agility is really just directing your dog along the line you want her to travel. 
  • Keeping your arm down allows you to still direct her line without sending her too far out. 
  • Allowing Jackie space will keep her true to her line and prevent overshooting the line she should follow.
  • Being confident as a handler in turn gives Jackie confidence. Give cues and directions assuredly, and Jackie will follow the line you're directing. Own it!

Jackie playing two mini courses today:

Rally 1 Week 10

Of the five AKC novice rally courses to choose from for videoing, we chose Novice Course 1 (AKC RNV1) and recorded the course tonight. 


  • Remember to use Gunner's event marker "Yes!" to let him know he has done the right behavior; Gunner is well conditioned to hold a behavior when he hears his marker word until the next cue is given
  • Continue to reinforce prompt, energetic heeling position 

Our RNV1 video, edited for brevity: