Gunner started Rally 2 class tonight with much success. Homework this week will be to practice heeling patterns in different environments, such as while out for a walk. In class tonight we practiced serpentines and spirals both right and left:
Serpentine Cones, One Way: Four cones are placed 6 to 8 feet apart in a straight line. Team enters with first cone to their left, and weaves while heeling through the cones and exits with last cone on their right.We need to continue to work on heel position. The goal is an as-close-as-possible-to-the-handler heel position where Gunner pivots his hindquarters left into me while in heel position. I need to establish the cue for maintaining tight heel position is the handler’s feet moving, rather than relying on a hand lure or verbal cue.
Perch work is a good exercise to help reinforce automatic heel position. Where the dog has his front paws on the perch, and is reinforced for pivoting around the perch while his front legs remain on the perch. Once that is established, the handler can step next to the perch and mark and treat as the pivoting dog bumps into my leg.
The cue for the pivot will eventually be the handler pivoting around the perch— as I move my feet 1/4 turn around the perch, Gunner follows by pivoting his hindquarters with me.
Gunner practicing pivoting around a perch:
- Homework this week includes practicing serpentines and spirals in differing environments
- Continue to build value for tight, close-to-the-handler heel position by lots of reinforcement while Gunner is in good heel position; playing on perches and platforms helps facilitate reinforcing excellent heel position