Friday, December 2, 2022

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Jumps and Hoops

 Jackie played jumps and hoops this week in agility class. 


  • Keep moving; this makes it easier for Jackie to understand where her line of travel should be as well as encourages confidence by activating her chase behavior.
  • When doing 180 degree turns, use "Here!" only once.
  • Avoid saying Jackie's name, unless you urgently need her to look at you. Instead, say "Here!" to redirect her to turn toward you.
Jackie playing jumps and hoops:

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Teeters and Pinwheels!

 Jackie and I played teeter totters and pinwheels today. 


  • Guide the dog's line, by cueing early before an obstacle but not too early when cueing from the "landing" side of the obstacle
  • For homework, set up a pinwheel: there are so many things you can play with a pinwheel including rear crosses, "Out!" sends, and building speed and enthusiasm as well as growing value for individual hoops and jumps
Jackie playing teeters and pinwheels:

Rally Heeling

 Gunner playing rally heeling October 27, 2022

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Blind Crosses

Playing blind crosses is fun for the dog and handler because it tends to be fast-paced and smooth. 


  • Cueing early is A MUST HAVE: send your dog along her line of travel before she is committed to the obstacle ahead of the obstacle you're cueing 
  • To indicate a blind cross: bring your new driving hand behind you to pick up the dog by wagging your hand; the wagging movement catches the dog's attention and signals that a cross is happening 
  • Hold and throw the reinforcement toy (a lotus ball in our case) with the opposite hand you will be driving with on the last obstacle of the series

 Jackie playing blind crosses:

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Cue Earlier

While describing your dog's line of travel on course, remember to cue much sooner than even feels necessary. Earlier and smoother handler cues make it easier and more fun for the dog. 

The take-home pearl for today is CUE SOONER 


  • Give your on-course cues much earlier than you think is necessary at this point
  • Carry the lotus ball in the opposite hand to what your driving hand will be for the last obstacle
  • Homework includes building drive and value for individual jumps, do this by having Jackie drive to a variety of reinforcers such as the lotus ball and manners minder
  • It bears repeating: CUE EARLIER 

 Jackie playing serpentines and rear crosses:

Weaves and Fun Courses

 Jackie playing weaves and a fun course October 18, 2022:

Friday, October 14, 2022

Playing Fall 2022

 Clips of Jackie playing hoops, discriminations, rear crosses, and the broad jump:

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Learning Teeter Totter and Courses with Discriminations and Rear Crosses


  • When teaching the teeter-totter, be sure to give it a name "Go Bang!" and then give the stopped contact cue "Feet!" so Jackie learns that it is different from the dog walk or other contact obstacle, that way she learns it is going to move and can adjust herself for the movement
  • Always turn toward your dog when doing crosses
  • In cueing discriminations and turns, where my feet point Jackie knows to go to that obstacle
Jackie learning Teeter Totter and playing a course with discriminations:

Playing at Home

 Taking advantage of the beautiful autumn weather, today we set up some discriminations and simple courses at our home base.


  • Remember to give clear cues using less voice and more body language
  • When I call Jackie's name, that indicates to her to look at me; while playing agility I should be clearly describing Jackie's line of travel 
Jackie playing at her home base with a friend:

Thursday, October 6, 2022



  • Your dog needs to be displaying each new behavior a minimum of 4 out of every 5 attempts correctly before you are ready to move on to something more challenging, as in while learning weave poles
  • To begin, place two sets (a total of four poles) of 2 x 2 weave poles with a very obvious open channel the dog can run through down the middle of the clear channel. Then as she gets proficient at each step, gradually close the weave channel bit by bit until Jackie has to "wiggle" to get through the weaves
  • Show Jackie the entry, then it is her responsibility to weave through each successive pole

Jackie beginning weaves:

Agility small courses, serpentines, and rear crosses


  • Shut up more. It's okay to give one verbal cue, and then use your body language to clearly indicated the dog's line of travel
  • Where your feet and body are pointed is important: if I'm pointing at the tunnel Jackie will go in the tunnel; if I'm pointed along the line of the hoop she will go through the hoop
  • Run! Jackie takes confidence from me when I am running ahead and clearly directing her line of travel
It's helpful to learn what TO do, but sometimes you just have to say "don't do that!" and learn from your mistakes:

Monday, October 3, 2022

Gunner Advanced Rally Virtual Trial

 Gunner has progressed from Novice Rally to Advanced Rally. Tonight we played the AKC Rally Advanced Virtual Course 5.


  • Continue to reinforce for active heeling position
  • Continue to reinforce for heel forward in slow pace where Gunner stays walking in heel position
  • Reinforce prompt four-on-the-floor sits during call to front

Gunner playing RAV5 with individual cone discriptions:

NADAC VT Agility Trial

Jackie played in her very first agility trial October 1, 2022 at the North American Dog Agility Council Video Tape Agility Trial at Cowtown Dog Sports! 


  • Trials are a nice litmus test to highlight things that are going well and new information about behaviors that need strengthening
  • The good include: Jackie's stopped contacts are really solid, as are her startlines
  • Needs strengthening: my management of Jackie while crating and being in a very stimulating environment; Jackie did well at first but got a little overwhelmed when left alone among other barking dogs. Also we need to work on recalls in a distracting environment
  • After each run, remember to quickly make my way to a high value primary reinforcer and give lots of prasie. I did this, but I need to be quicker to the cheese!
  • Ideas include getting Jackie out to new and distracting environments like Home Depot and outdoor pubs so she learns how to be comfortable paying attenting to me in stimulating situations
  • Remember to keep running forward, smoothly indicating to Jackie her line of travel
  • Jackie has come so far and taught me so much, and I am that proud of her!
Jackie's first and second run at an agility trial:

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Agility 3.2 Week 1


  • Bring the lotus ball to each training session, since it is a good way to keep Jackie running out ahead of the handler
  • Now we can begin using a variable rate of reinforcement for contacts
  • At home, continue to practice very basic foundation skills such as building value for hoops and jumps, and building value for playing short sequences
  • Practice rear crosses at home: "Back!"

Jackie playing short sequences and discriminations:

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Agility 3 Week 1

Jackie has graduated into Agility 3 class! Today we played obstacle discriminations and barrel loops, and played with using the lotus ball to reinforce Jackie for her enthusiasm.


  • Cue discrimination obstacles as early as possible
  • When cueing barrel loops, pivot on your inside foot and keep your new opposite driving hand up to clearly indicate Jackie's line to her
  • Jackie likes chasing a treat tossed on the ground, and is learning to associate the lotus ball with the treats inside
Jackie playing discriminations and barrel wraps:

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Agility 2 Week 14 Supplemental

Creatively experimenting with your dog until you come up with what works for each team is an important aspect of educating, and also hugely satisfying. Today we played with creative ideas to generate energy and enthusiasm as well as building value for "Break!" and startlines. 


  • The manners minder remote control treat dispenser is a great tool and lends itself to creative ways to build value for cues and behaviors
  • Reinforce Jackie for getting excited by beeping and treating with the manners minder while she is playing the "Shwoom!" game. Jackie is reinforced for getting excited, which will teach her it is okay to let go and be excited while she is playing
Building value for "Break!" using the manners minder:

Jackie playing startlines and the "Shwoom!" game:

A little craziness:

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Agility 2 Week 14

Jackie gains confidence from chasing me, so for now it is important that I keep running so that Jackie can chase me, and so that she knows the line she is to run. If I keep going without pausing, then Jackie can also keep running while knowing where I want her to go by my advance cues. 


  • In order to build value for prompt, enthusiastic startlines, play the 1,2,3 "Go!" game with Jackie, driving her to the manners minder to reward running forward from the start line on cue
  • Play with Jackie before starting her run so that she is engaged and enthusiastic
  • When running, keep my arm up indicating Jackie's line she is to run
  • When cueing a loop around the near side of a barrel, remember to say "Here!" to cue Jackie to turn toward me then "Loop, loop, loop!" to cue Jackie to collect and loop around the barrel

Jackie playing hoops, tunnels, and barrels:

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Canine Conditioning Seminar 7/16/22

Jackie and I attended the Canine Conditioning Seminar led by our coach Robin Barber at Cowtown Dog Sports. We learned about proper warm-up and cool-down, several balance and proprioception exercises to begin, the importance of proper form, and how to measure your dog to best track her body condition. It is important to trim your dog's toenails appropriately, about every couple of weeks, for proper balance and correct gait biomechanics. There was an excellent discussion about the role of dew claws and how dogs use their dew claws for running, balance, and stability. An ideal body condition score, from 1 being the most under-ideal to 9 being massively fat, is 4 to 5. However, it is noted that a dog can have an "ideal" body condition score of 4 to 5 and still have plenty of room to improve overall sport-related fitness. 


  • Warm-up can include walking, stretches such as bow "Bravo!", moving laterally in full-pass, and sit-down-sit puppy push-ups
  • Balance and proprioception exercises should only be introduced gradually and practiced for a few seconds at a time to gradually build your dog's fitness level and confidence
  • Body condition is best tracked by keeping a weekly record of your dog's weight, hind legs circumference, waist circumference, and girth measurements
  • Photographic tracking of your dog's body condition of front, rear, and both side views is also helpful in determining increased fitness over time
  • Cool-down can include walking, treat-stretches, and stretches using a chair or the handler's body to elongate the dog in a full-body stretch

Jackie's initial body condition photos on 7/16/22:

Jackie's primary measurements on 7/16/22 are:
  • Weight: 32.7 pounds
  • Left hind leg circumference (at the gaskin): 25 centimeters
  • Right hind leg circumference (at the gaskin): 23.5 centimeters
  • Waist circumference (at the smallest "tuck" area): 43 centimeters
  • Girth (where you would place the girth if she were a horse): 58 centimeters
  • Measured previously on 9/9/21, Jackie's height at the withers is 19.5 inches
Overall, Jackie's body condition is within the ideal range as she is a 4 on a scale of 1 to 9.  A score of 4 means her ribs are easily palpable, with minimal fat covering, her waist is easily noted viewed from above, and her abdominal tuck is evident. 

Jackie's fitness level can certainly be improved from a dog-sport standpoint, which is our goal going forward. 

Agility 2 Week 13

Obstacle discriminations for the A-frame versus tunnel include clearly cueing Jackie with my driving arm pulling in toward my hip "In!" "Feet!" to indicate the A-frame, and "Go tunnel!" to cue the tunnel. Jackie is also doing well with post turns and wraps, "Round round round!" and "Loop loop loop!"

  • Engage with Jackie by playing with her a few moments before the startline, to encourage and enliven her to continue to play
  • While Jackie is still in the tunnel, get out the next verbal cue early so she knows where she is going as she comes out of the tunnel

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Agility 2 Week 12

Discriminations between the tunnel and A-frame are often encountered at the startline of courses. To indicate the tunnel, stand facing the line toward the tunnel, release the dog and take one step toward the dog's line with your hand held up like a stop sign and your elbow straight, to indicate to Jackie to take the line to the tunnel while saying "Break! Out! Tunnel, tunnel tunnel!" To indicate the A-frame, begin facing with your feet and shoulders forward in the direction of the dog's line, and your driving arm straight out to the side. Release the dog and drop your straight arm down to your hip indicating her to come in toward you to her line and say "Break! In! Feet!"

Jackie's cue for barrel wraps is "Round, round, round!" Jackie's cue for looping around the barrel is "Loop, loop, loop!" The handler points their right arm and foot to indicate the dog's line when the barrel is to the left of the handler, and the handler points their left arm and foot to indicate the dog's line when the barrel is to the right of the handler.

  • Allow Jackie to completely settle into a sit, and only then ask her to "Wait!" (stay) at the startline.
  • Keep forward momentum, and run as fast as possible. The faster my forward momentum, the faster Jackie runs.
  • When cueing barrel loops, keep your driving arm low and your eyes down indicating the dog's line, and be sure to turn very sharply and obviously, almost like a pivot, to indicate to Jackie that she is going to be making a tight turn while verbally cueing "Loop, loop, loop!"

Barrel loop foundations, obstacle discrimination, and barrels, tunnels, hoops mini-courses:

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Agility 2 Week 11

Today I got to play with our Coach's dog, Surge! It was fun getting a glimpse of what it's like to play with a super-fast, very high-drive dog.

Jackie and I played hoops, barrels, tunnels, turns, and rear crosses. We also played with the manners minder to reinforce speed and running out ahead of me.


  • Give the cue for a rear cross "Back!" as early as possible when describing your dog's path to run. 
  • Time the cue as soon as the dog has committed to the previous obstacle so that it is clear as early as possible each next obstacle the dog is to take.
  • Keep your arm up while your dog is in the tunnel, so when she comes out of the tunnel your cueing arm and hand are already pointing where she should go
  • Likewise keep your arm up all the way past the last obstacle, so the dog continues to drive forward to the finish line
Jackie and SURGE playing agility with me today:


Friday, June 10, 2022

2022 Lexus GX460 Crating Review

The 2022 Lexus GX460 is a close cousin to the Toyota 4Runner and is identical to the Toyota Land Cruiser Prado. It has full off-roading capability with full-time four-wheel drive as well as the option to be in four low for extreme mud or other environmental challenges. There are auto-folding third row seats should I ever want to travel with a crowd of people, and I can fit up to four Border collie-sized crates should I ever need them.

A big reason I wanted this car is because of the air conditioning system that is fully vented and has separate temperature control for three different zones: the front seat (driver's zone), the back seat (passenger zone), and the cargo area (dogs' zone). The dogs' crate area has full air conditioning vents both directly into the side door of the crate as well as adjustable vents that blow from above directly onto the dog's crate. 


  • Fits both Jackie's large and Gunner's intermediate Ruffland crate in the cargo area with the backseats up and functional
  • If I ever needed to, I could fit two additional intermediate Ruffland crates on the flattened back seat for a total of four crates
  • The three-zone air conditioning system is excellent because the dogs have several vents blowing cold air directly into their crate, and I can keep it colder in the back for the dogs while adjusting it separately in the front for the driver
  • In the dog (cargo) area there is a 120 volt (like the one in your house) that I can plug in a crate fan or any other accessory I might need, just on the inside of the back cargo door
  • The 2022 Lexus GX460 has all the reliability and off-road capabilities of a Toyota Land Cruiser, with all the creature comforts of a Lexus 
Large Ruffland crate (orange) on the left, intermediate Ruffland crate (white) on the right, fit with second row passenger seat still up and functional:
Air conditioner vent blows directly into the side door of the Ruffland crate:
Separate air conditioner vents blow from the ceiling above as well as from the center console of the back seat into the dog crate area:

You can open the back hatch to quickly check your crate (this is Jackie's crate in the tester at the dealership):

120-volt regular house-style plug outlet for a fan or other accessories:

Typically have Jackie's crate only, but has the capability to fit three extra kennels for a total of four crates if I ever needed:

Overall very happy with my new car's crating, air conditioning, and off-roading capabilities:

Video review of the dog crating area of the 2022 Lexus GX460:

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Agility Jumping Close Up Analysis

Wanted to talk about a jump Jackie took this morning in an odd manner.  I do NOT want to say, much less think about, a rotational fall. This is NOT that. However it was odd the way Jackie took this jump and how the bar stayed up until she was several strides away from the jump and on to the next obstacle. Happy to know that Jackie is fine, she didn't fall or get hurt in any way, and hopefully we've learned from this experience. 

Analysis of Jackie jumping:

Agility 2 Week 10

Jackie and I played a mini course with hoops, jumps, and A-frame, with a serpentine of jumps in the middle. We also played post turns and wraps.


  • Practice rear crosses at home so Jackie has a clear understanding of what rear crosses are and how we are to play them together
  • Jackie is doing a great job playing with me; we love how she is beginning to play with me as a game
  • Be sure to turn your body and move to indicate your dog's path to her when doing post turns and wraps

Jackie playing a mini course sith serpentines, and playing post turns and wraps:

Friday, June 3, 2022

Rally 1 Week 11

Tonight we recorded the AKC Rally Novice Video course 3. 


  • Practice slow pace heeling, reinforcing Gunner for staying up on all fours and walking slowly forward 
  • Continue to reinforce brisk heeling, especially on turns and after sits into turns

Gunner playing AKC RNV3, edited for brevity:

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Agility 2 Week 9 Supplemental

 Today we continued jump training by playing jumps on a curved line. We also played serpentine jumpers to practice blind crosses for the first time, rear crosses, and front crosses. 


  • When doing a blind cross, as you bring your new driving arm up, leave your arm out behind you and down a bit while wagging your hand to get your dog's attention onto your new cueing arm
  • Begin running with Jackie to get her running with me and ahead of me; play with rewarding on a small-ish circle for staying with me, and then rewarding for being on the inside of the circle or the outside of the circle I am describing for her to run
  • When doing front crosses or blind crosses, always turn toward your dog
  • Keep running! Dogs follow movement, and your dog will stop if you stop, so keep running

Playing jumping while turning tightly, blind cross, and front cross: