Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Up Close

  • When playing "Round round round!" once Jackie has gone through the hoop  (or over the jump, or around the barrel), keep your arm closer to you when she is on the return rebound back toward you to keep her moving toward the next obstacle (and prevent her running back through the obstacle which is an off-course).

  • Proof weaves to the point where you can be running in any direction, in front of or behind, including distractions, so Jackie will always enter the weaves correctly and stay in the weaves until the end independently even with distractions.

  • Throw the lotus ball with the hand farthest away from the last obstacle in the series to keep Jackie focused on the driving hand for direction. So if the last obstacle is on the handler's left, throw the reinforcement with your right hand.

Jackie playing:

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Ten Family Friendly Dog Breeds

 Head over to the BreedExpert for my recent article Ten Family Friendly Dog Breeds. This article came out well and I'm rather fond of it!

The pinnacle of dogdom, the wonderful golden retriever:

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Grids and Teeters

Jackie is continuing to gain her sea legs on the full-height teeter, and we had fun playing on the grid again today.

Jackie playing grids and teeters: