Wednesday, September 4, 2013


When looking forward toward developing a goal, we obviously believe it is do-able or we may not have set the goal to begin with.  Looking back at a goal once it has been accomplished, it seems relatively simple in the rear-view mirror.  But during a goal, while in the trenches actually churning out the work, the goal can feel so difficult and at times even un-attainable.

Reaching my bronze medal has been such a journey, but looking back on the cold hard stats puts it in perspective:
  • Total of five weekend shows with Delphi
  • Total of three weekend shows with Rijkens
  • Total of thirty-two months from start to finish
I've always considered the adage "a level per year" and thought that I was falling so short.  However when viewed from show-ring-ready as the endpoint of interest, the actual data support that oft quoted time frame: to learn to compete at a satisfactory level in first, second and third level it took me a little over two and a half years.

If it takes the great masters decades to learn to ride, what makes me think I can do it in any less time?  I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn real dressage, no shortcuts.  Regardless of how many years (or decades!) it takes, I'm committed for the long haul.

 He doesn't stay up nights calculating goals and worrying about shows!  Rijkens playing with a buddy in the rain earlier this week:

To commemorate my USDF bronze medal, I've ordered these high waist Pikeur breeches from London.  In color "bronze" of course!