Sunday, January 28, 2024

Jackie Graduation from Intro to Treibball

Jackie graduated from Intro to Treibball class at Lucky Dog Training. She did a great job learning "Go out!", "Come by!", "Away!", "Push!", and "That'll do!"


  • "Go out!" is the cue where the dog leaves the handler's side and goes out to a target. Eventually we'll fade the target and the dog will go out to the indicated ball.
  • "Come by!" is the cue that directs the dog to move clockwise.
  • "Away!" is the cue that directs the dog to move anti-clockwise.
  • "Push!" is the cue that directs the dog to herd the target toward the handler.
  • "That'll do!" is the recall cue that directs the dog to return to the handler. The dog comes to recognize "That'll do!" as a form of praise and recognition of a job well done.

Video clip of Jackie learning urban herding in Intro to Treibball class: