Monday, February 27, 2023

NADAC VT Agility Trial 2-25-2023

 Jackie played Chances and Jumpers this weekend at the Cowtown Dog Sports NADAC VT agility trial.


  • In order for the run to count as a Q, once the handler leads out and the dog breaks past the startline, the handler cannot then go back across the startline.
  • When cueing Jackie as she is coming out of a tunnel, keep my arm more down indicating the obstacle is closer to me, rather than having my hand and arm higher up which causes Jackie to search for an obstacle in farther away. If she needs to turn toward me out of a tunnel, be sure to verbally cue "Here!" as well before and as she is coming out of the tunnel.
Jackie playing chances and jumpers:

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Short courses and distance practice


  • To begin distance work, remember to keep moving and directing the dog's line of travel, as though you were pointing out her path with a laser pointer
  • The handler may have to move more slowly in distance work
  • It's important for the handler to stay back away from the chances line in order to give yourself space to move
  • Keep your arm and hand up pointing directly to the next obstacle
  • Keep your arm and hand up even while your dog is in the tunnel, so as soon as she comes out of the tunnel you are already pointing where she should travel
  • Always think about directing your dog's path of travel. For serpentines allow her enough space in front of the jump so she has enough room to take each successive jump
Jackie playing short courses and practicing distance: