Thursday, January 19, 2023

Advanced Rally

 Gunner played Advanced Rally today at Cowtown Dog Sports. 


  • Play with bucket rotations, where Gunner rotates both directions around the bucket. Go slowly! Keep my feet out in front away from the bucket.
  • To strengthen Gunner’s hindquarters, do a few sit-stand-sits each day.
  • For stand, wait for Gunner to stand completely still, then mark and reward.
  • For behaviors such as stand, stay, handler walks around, release Gunner “Break!” and then reward after he’s been released. That way he will maintain the behavior until he hears the release word, rather than just wanting to take a break as soon as he gets the treat.
  • For slow pace heeling, take longer steps, but very slowly. This allows Gunner to stay walking in heel position while still going very slowly.
  • We’ve set our sights on recording Rally Advanced virtual courses 2 and 4, since we have already Qd with a 98% in Rally Advanced virtual course 5.
Gunner with his Rally Novice title ribbon