Friday, May 20, 2022

Rally 1 Week 9

We recorded the AKC Rally Novice Course 5 tonight. Gunner has lots of enthusiasm and tries to add in extra tricks! 


  • Grateful for how well Gunner is progressing and excited to be at the videotaping phase
  • Homework this week includes proofing sign 13 (Call Front – Finish Right – Forward – While heeling, the handler stops forward motion and calls the dog to front. The handler may take several steps backward. The dog must come and sit in front. Without the handler moving their feet, the dog must finish to the right. As the dog clears the handler’s path, the handler will heel forward before the dog returns to heel position) and continue reinforcing brisk, prompt heel position
  • It takes three different videotaped Virtual Novice Courses (there are five novice courses from which to choose) scored by three different AKC judges with a score of 70% or higher to earn an AKC Rally Novice (RN) title
  • At the beginning of the video, the handler has to give a brief spiel saying the dog's name, his breed (be careful, since Gunner has his AKC Canine Partner number, he is considered by the AKC as an "All American Dog;" if you say "Border collie" or even "Mixed breed" the AKC deducts one percentage point from your final score!), you have to show that he is wearing a legal collar and leash, you have to remove the collar to show the camera and put the collar back on the dog, and you have to declare that you have no toys or treats on your person. At the end of the video you have to stand awkwardly and let the camera run for at least 5 additional seconds

Rally Novice Virtual Course 5:

Video clip (edited for brevity) of Gunner doing AKC Virtual Rally Novice Course 5: