Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Struggle Is Real

Jackie has had a recent step change in her understanding of weaves. Putting weaves and teeters as obstacles on the course is a big deal, and Jackie is doing great. We are at that point in learning any new behavior where there is a bit of struggle to transfer a newly learned behavior into a new environment. 

Jackie has been doing 12 weaves for two days now and is already putting them together on a course. She has done a full height teeter only a handful of times and is doing a great job figuring it out on the field. Everything is challenging just now-- it is a different surface (grass), it is in a sequence instead of a single obstacle, and it is a different physical obstacle outside than inside (different surface, color, and materials) so it is asking a lot to put it all together. 

We are pushing Jackie just enough so that it is challenging but still attainable. Jackie is doing a great job figuring it all out, and she really loves the teeter and is gaining understanding day by day with the weaves.

Jackie figuring out weaves and teeters: