Friday, September 3, 2010

Standing Wraps Are Helping

The standing wraps for Delphi's strained fetlock seem to be helping. Here's the before and after:
Day 5:
Day 10:

Day 5:
Day 10:


Anonymous said...

Glad you got polos. Are you using a poultice under the wrap? You might think about alternating polos with poultice. You don't want to invite any sores from the wraps themselves.

Carrie said...

Poultice is indeed beneficial when used in the very first days of the strain. After several days have gone by and assuming the horse is not re-straining the leg, poultice is probably of little value other than cooling and increasing circulation which can be achieved with liniment or even just brisk walking. But yes, poulticing is highly recommended under the standing bandage when used very early in the treatment of a strain.
By wrapping the leg only while confined to a stall we'll hopefully avoid sores.