Monday, September 9, 2019

Leg Aid Position

When riding lateral movements such as renvers, the rider's leg position should be very obvious so that the horse can bend around a deep inside leg at the girth (this is the horse's center of gravity) and the rider's outside leg back to create the bend, supported with the connected outside rein and keeping the inside flexion with the carried inside rein.  For now especially, I need to focus on keeping my inside leg at the girth with a long leg and deep heel, and my outside leg behind the girth ready to give a good aid to keep bend and angle on a four track renvers.  The inside leg almost feels like it is forward in front of the girth; that is the feeling I need for now until it becomes automatic for my inside leg being at the girth with a long leg and deep heel.  Always riding from one half halt to the next, keeping a strong position and keeping the horse tall in self carriage. 

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