Thursday, October 7, 2021

Basic Obedience Week 4

Our homework this week includes continuing to practice sit stay and down stay with distractions, loose leash walking, laying on a mat, hers whats, recalls, and continuing to find ways to keep education from being monotonous by keeping it fun and interesting for the learner.

Jackie is a fast learner, and for that I’m grateful.  She is more like the kind of person who loves to stay at home, watch a foreign film, cook a complicated gourmet meal and dessert, then read a really good JRR Tolkien book.  Versus the kind of person that wants to run a marathon obstacle course after going white water rafting, hiking up a mountain, and then getting together with a dozen friends and going to a rave, experimentng with substances and seeing if you wake up the next day to do it all again. 

In other words, Jackie is the good kind of Border collie!

Jackie has enthusiasm, it’s just expressed differently

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