Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Dog-Human Relationship

Much time and effort are given to understanding the bond we share with dogs. It is profound and grows deeper with time, investigation, and understanding.

Those who love dogs get it: like the proverbial question about climbing Mount Everest, what is the use? If you have to ask, you just don't understand. But for those of us who do, "because it's there" is sufficient.

While scientific, physiologic, medical, psychological, and other evaluations of our relationship with dogs are salient, even in the absence of such research, dogs remain our best friends. It's wonderful, however, to be able to study them.

Scholarly study, while important, never replaces solid, hands-on experience. Especially when it comes to understanding and gaining observational skills of dog body language. Dogs are the best teachers. I'm grateful to be a student of the dog and look forward to continued learning.

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