The major pearl of wisdom from the Bushager award: if I had to choose only one facet of the entire immersion period, it would be Delphi's weekly schooling by a professional. Having
Karen Brown ride Delphi on a regular basis was the single most important aspect of
both Delphi's and my own learning and improvement. The consistent guidance of a qualified expert is the best, and probably only, way for a horse to move up the levels. My thanks to Karen! (Que the
Jefferson's theme music.)
here to read my Bushager grant immersion program article, also published in the HDS "
Collective Remarks" (see page 27).
The following photos from the immersion program relate to the article:
Giving the rein to allow self carriage:
Karen Brown schooling Delphi. Note the supple poll, which is the highest point:
Active hindquarters jumping under in canter, displaying relative elevation. My hands could be raised to allow Delphi to be more supple through the poll:
For the related entry, click
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