Friday, May 17, 2013

Fifth lesson at the Jeff Moore clinic May 2013

Being tall and raise-able and higher in the carriage is important for half pass (really for all lateral stuff).  Stand him up, bend (release the outside rein and bring the snout in), bring the withers in front of my pubic bone; NOW brighten up and be tall.

Transitions: upspring twice with your seat then if nothing happens stimulate with the whip for giddyup; or upsring twice with your seat with your center of mass hovering higher then if nothing happens touch the reins to your gut for collection.  This develops self motivation, stored energy, enthusiasm and the back as a sensory organ.

For passage use a posture or cue that is lightening the seat and make the horse tall and light and lift the horse's chest slightly out of sync every other step.  The out of sync touch with the reins makes him slow the tempo in passage.  (In piaffe we want the tempo to quicken.)

Rijkens demonstrates being tall:

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