Monday, July 16, 2018

Introducing Ultra Jazzy

Meet Ultra Jazzy, my new dance partner!  Fresh off Michael Matz's farm in beautiful Coatesville Pennsylvania.  (There were a thrilling few moments when Jazzy and I were riding alongside Michael as he was schooling his show jumpers!) When my trainer Andrea Attard and I got there and first walked up to meet Jazzy, there were two giant goats hanging out directly underneath Jazzy's belly.  When Jenny Brannigan, from whom we would soon purchase Jazzy, asked us if we had any initial questions, I said "Yeah, is he okay around goats?"  We rode Jazzy that day and the next morning, and after passing his pre-purchase exam with flying colors he was ours!  Equine Express was available to pick him up the very next day so by the Sunday of that same week we had him home after our initial meeting on Wednesday June 13.  Everything landed in place fairly effortlessly, which seems a good start to a beautiful new relationship.

Me, Jazzy and Andrea moments after we told Jazzy I was his.  Dr. Mark Donaldson of Unionville Equine Associates did an excellent job with Jazzy's pre purchase exam, and insisted on snapping this sweet photo of the three of us.  That mug remind you of anyone?  Yeah, me too, and Rijkens' stall is directly across the barn aisle from Jazzy's new stall--- it is like a mirror image.